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Science 7: Genetic Modification Project (Webber): Creating Your Bibliography

Creating a Citation

  • Use NoodleTools to create a citation for each source that you use.

  • It's important to choose the correct source type for your citation. If you don't, NoodleTools may not ask you for the right information about that source.

  • Enter the information that NoodleTools asks for in each field. If you can't find a piece of information, leave that field blank or ask a teacher or librarian for help!

Annotating Your Citation

You must annotate each source you cite in NoodleTools. Your annotation should answer these four questions:

  1. Using the SIFT method, how did you decide that this source is reliable?
  2. How does this source help you answer the research questions?
  3. Is there any information in this source that you didn’t find anywhere else?
  4. Is this source written in a way that you can understand?


This source is a magazine article from a database. The arrows point to five different pieces of information that you would need in order to cite this source properly.